Saturday, September 21, 2024

Monday, September 2, 2024

Poms Captain

CSU game 
JV game 


Mama Tennis

 I am continuing to love tennis in this second chapter of my life! I still have those moments where I wish that I didn't put it on the backburner for so long, but I am grateful that I am able to play now. I have been playing singles the last three years that I have been on leagues and am loving it!My team made it to playoffs, then districts this year which was a blast. I went 3-1 at districts and was really proud of that with 4 matches in two days! 
Lesson for Brady and Lylah--- be sure to hold onto your passions and interests....and, it's never too late to pick a hobby back up or start a new one. Be sure to keep a little time for yourself, when it makes sense. My kids come first....but I think they appreciate and respect that I have a hobby as well. 
I will keep playing until I can't any more!!! 

Sunday, August 25, 2024


As far as tennis matches/tourneys go, I am not sure you could beat this weekend in Grand Junction. I drove down Brady and Ian for an actin packed two day tourney with CHS. The first day was rough, with rain outs most of the day and a hard match against the #1 player from Grand Junction. 
But over the next 48 hours, Brady packed in some excellent tennis and hard fought points. Ironically, the entire tourney came down to the final match with brady playing #1 singles against Northfield. The match included a line judge, rain delay and some not so nice kids from Northfield. The entire team weas watching and cheering for him, when they went to a 3rd set tiebreaker. I think I held my breath the whole time but Brady pulled it out, kept his cool and allowed Columbine to win the ENTIRE tournament!!! so proud of how he played and even more important, how he handled himself. This is one he will never forget!!! 

Back to School!~

This was a tough first day for not only is it Brady's last first day of high school but Lylah has grown up so fast too. I think it finally hit me that I only have a few more years with them at home and I know I will miss them so much, but am also excited for them both. 
They are both taking solid class loads this fall and jumped right into tennis and poms. They have good friends and tons of activity. they are both responsible and kind and well-rounded kids. I am so very proud of them both and will be here for them whenever, and wherever they need me! 
But for now...we will weave and wind our way through senior and sophomore years!! 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Austin-Cousin time

We had a long overdue but really fun trip to Austin last weekend! We had not been there since Hope's wedding right before COVID! 
The kids got to see a super close soccer match while Jon and I went to dinner with Bob and Kelly in downtown Austin. 
Then on Saturday, we went to visit with Hope and Ryan.....Hope is 9 months pregnant and about to give birth to Baby Judah any day now! Fun to see them for an Italian lunch and check out their new house. 
Then Bob took us to University of Texas, so Brady could check it out....huge, urban but really nice school. 
Sunday, the adults went to a bourbon distillery while the kids played laser tag and arcade games. Then we packed in some Rudys BBQ~ 
While we don't seem them as often as I would like, it was so great to have quality time with family! I am really hoping the cousins stay in touch as they get older, as extended family can become even more important as they get older!!


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Breck Trip (Me & the Bean)

Little Pookie and I brought back our annual trip to Breckenridge (missed it last year!) and it didn't disappoint! I love that we decided to do it last minute and snuck away for 24 hours of fun! We did our usual walk into town for Fudge and then walked back to get ready for dinner at our favorite Giampetros. After dinner, we did some hot tubbing (after an ab comparison of course) and then hit the arcade where Lylah smoked me at race car driving! 

After a good night's sleep at Grand Timber, we took the Gondola up the mountain for our favorite alpine roller coaster, and then hit the road to go home. I love doing this trip every year. We know exactly what we like and we make sure to squeeze it all in. 
some good laughs, great food and the best girls trip I could take!! 

Love you bean! 


Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day