Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thankful for.....

my life and all who are in it.
I attended a funeral last week for a 37 year old man, father to one of Brady's friends, who died on Thanksgiving Day from an undetected heart condition.
It was one of the saddest experiences I have witnessed. Nicole, his wife, was so brave and so strong , and her two children, 5 and 1 1/2 years old, didn't seem to know what was happening.
One minute, Tim was in their lives, and the next minute, he wasn't, with no warning and no goodbyes. My heart breaks for them....for Nicole, who only had 9 short years with Tim and for the boys, who barely had time to know their dad.

And it reminded me of how even the tiny little things in life make me happy. Brady riding his bike and pumping his fists on the basketball court. Lylah singing her little heart out at night and loving her "stuffties.".  Playing "cooking class" with Lylah and her dolls, listening to Brady read us book after book. We have had some great times this year, all of which I am thankful for...
Wine country with Jon, dinners with good friends, finding a new church that makes me happy, trip to see the cousins, wonderful time with grandparents, ski weekends, countless festivals, dance parties in the living room, sporting events and gym classes, George the Elf, Snuggle time, Nighty nights from Brady and Lylah "missing mommy".

This time of year is always the time we reflect on all we are thankful for. Tim's passing so suddenly was another reminder to not take for granted that each minute is precious......and to live life with NO regrets!

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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day