Sunday, August 11, 2013

6 years has gone by......

I can't believe it has been six years since we brought you home from the hospital Bubba! You are my sweet, sweet little man....definitely a momma's boy and you won't hear any complaints from me. I am enjoying every minute that you give me big hugs and say "I love you momma" , out of the blue.
I still love cuddling with you before bedtime, giving hug after hug.
I love your passion for reading (up to 15 books in one sitting!), your interest in sports, your appetite for most every food and the cute way you dance to tunes you like. I love how you like to figure things out (perplexus and lego sets) and how fun you are to ride roller coasters with (even when you are scared).
You are an amazing young man and we are a lucky family to have you, every single day!
 The bday party at Great Play...right up your alley Bubba with all kinds of sports and games!
 Denver Bronco vs. Miami Dolphins bday cake!
 fun times on your actual birthday with a friend and Lylah and her buddyTaylor
 reading to his buddy at a sleepover

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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day