Saturday, March 23, 2024

Spring Break-1st College visit and Family time too!

This year, we wanted to make sure we saw Grandmama and Grandbob but also wanted to knock out a 1st college visit, so we did both! 
It was a quick trip, but made more good memories with my (Mantis and Aggravation) and walks and model homes and great meals and sun soaking! Grandbob drove us to University of Arizona as well so that we could tour the campus with both kids. Super cool experience...giant school, which was good for Brady to get a feel for. We walked a ton and saw all the major sites to see at a school. I love seeing how close the kids are with my parents and always love going "home" to them. Wherever they live feels like home, regardless of where it is. 
Grandmama seemed to be doing well.....she gets tired very easily but she was still her cheerful, thoughtful, fiesty, beautiful self.  One night at dinner, she and my dad took turns bragging about each other's accomplishments. It's a wonderful thing to see how proud they both are of each other, and how much respect they have for each other. 
I hope the kids always remember how special Gma and Gbob are and how much they love them. 


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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day