Sunday, March 22, 2020

Corona Virus (aka COVID-19)

right around the time of my birthday (thankfully well after Lylah's) we started to hear of the spread of Covid-19 from Wuhan China, across Europe and into the United States. this is a new type of virus that is taking over the world and is now a Pandemic. It is scary in that so many people are getting it so quickly, there is no vaccine or cure, and the death rate is higher than that of the flu. It is immobilizing our country.
Little did we know that my birthday dinner (Fontana Sushi) would be the last restaurant outing we would have for a very long time!!  even at that dinner, we were careful with what we touched and the hand hygiene ritual that is now just routine set in. 
Within a week after my bday, it was announced that schools would be closing effective 3/16 and that we were to avoid contact with other people and start practicing social distancing ASAP. Jon and Brady made a trip to ski at Keystone on 3/13 which would prove to be the last ski trip of the season as the resorts closed down right after that (many cases in Summit County). 

Home schooling began on 3/16. We have just had a week of it so far and this week we will start  spring break (I kinda wish they just kept going with instruction this week as it gives the kids some extra goals and activity!) 
So far, it's been going well. Brady is taking it seriously, completing his work, getting good grades and staying on task. The lack of social interaction may help with school work but I am encouraging him to stay connected with his friends during this time as it will become easy for him to be isolated. 
Lylah has also been doing well but I do think she misses in person school much more than Brady. She has cried a few times but it's great that her class is able to do chats all together. She makes her bed, gets her top half ready (Pj's on the bottom) and sits up in bed to do her classroom chats. 

this situation definitely puts all kinds of things in perspective. Taking for granted that we used to go out to eat at least once a week! Now not at all. Taking for granted the groceries we have access to and the amount of food we waste. That has had an impact on the kids and a positive takeaway is that they pay attention to how much food they take and complain a lot less about the meals we are having as we just don't have as much control over them. Jon has been doing our grocery runs for us. Gets him out of the house and I think he sees it as somewhat of a challenge as to what he can find in the store. 
Fresh meat and non perishable items, plus Toilet paper, are the hot items and hard to find right now but we have plenty to get us through for quite a while right now. will just have to be smart about it and hope that people continue to stay calm and reasonable! 

outdoor time is a precious thing now more than ever. Regardless of weather, we get outside every single day. Walks with Charlie, Bike rides (Lylah is really enjoying those now), walks to the park, shooting hoops....this week we may go play some tennis too. 

We have been able to see some friends in limited capacities. We had the Smiths over on the front end of all of this and really enjoyed spending time with them. And the Barbics have been stuck in their house during a kitchen remodel and had a social distancing get together at our house this weekend, complete with Fibbage and lots of hand sani. Did a walk with the Gerlachs ( 6 feet apart) and will try to get in some bike rides with friends this week too! 

Chucky walks -she is the only one excited about this new and hopefully short term way of life. She has never been on so many walks, trips to the bird park and school park! She is loving not being in the crate, having sleepovers with Brady and spending so much free time with all of us. Rain or shine, we have had her outside for her sake and our sanity! 

work from home-I only went into work twice last week and the future weeks remain to be seen. I am less and less comfortable going in but also want to be present when needed and help however I can. It's a fine line as I want my family to be safe first and foremost. so far, I am working with my team to come up with unique ways that our community partners can help us and we can help them during this time.  
Both kids have been exercising, indoors and outside, each day, as have Jon and I. I am determined that I will be in the best shape ever when this is all said and done. No excuse not to be!! :-) Brady has decided to start a routine of pull ups, push ups, sit ups and ellipticals each day and he seems to be getting into it. His soccer coach is trying to keep the players engaged and in shape in hopes that a season will still be ahead of us! Speaking of, strangely enough, I miss that for the kids more than anything....Lylah's dance, Brady's soccer and tennis, etc. 
Remains to be seen what is to come with the season, the recitals, the band and orchestra events, continuation, etc. 

The kids are learning to play together more, interact a bit more and argue a little less...ok maybe not much less but they are having more fun time together than usual. Ninja warrior training at the playground, playing their instruments together, watching movies together (Jon and I even had a movie date night in the basement while watched a different one upstairs....first time for that).
We have even resurrected some of the oldies but goodies like the lego sets to build new cities and the Wii....which brought back some great memories of Just Dance, tennis and bowling from when the kids were really little. we have been on tons of bike rides so far, baked sugar cookies, rum cake and made some dinners together. 

To get creative, we played Catch phrase with Grandmama and Grandbob last night via What's App. It was actually really fun and a great distraction for all of us. The closest thing to being together that we could come up with. 
I am having my own ups and downs with this, trying to enjoy the time that we do have together as "normal" life doesn't offer this much time together! but also grieving in a way that things we can't our Spring Break trip to Mexico, our Beaver Creek ski weekend and still waiting to see what else is on the horizon. I am just hopeful that this passes soon and we can get back to as normal of a life as possible, that all of our loved ones stay healthy and safe, and that we continue to remain positive and make the most of each day that we can. 

more to come!!! 

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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day