Sunday, March 8, 2020

The holidays that went too fast!

Every year. the holidays creep up on us so fast and are gone before we know it!
This year was no different but we had some fun, unique events and activities that made this year stand our from some of the rest.
Thanksgiving was fun as always, with Barb and Greg, the Barbics and the Torstenson's joining us for the feast. And we were able to get in some sledding with the Barbics and McMann's since the snow was too deep for frisbee golf or any other sport!
During the holiday season, we were able to check out a performance by the Blue Man Group (super fun) and Lylah and I had a date day to see the Hip Hop Nutcracker.....very cool, we both loved it!
Brady and I were able to get away for an Avs game which was super fun too. Haven't done that in a long time.

But the big twist this year was the trip to Austin for Xmas week. Hope announced she was getting married a few months earlier so it worked out well for us to travel down there for the holiday and the wedding celebration.
We had the best time, as we all love the quality time with the cousins and my brother and my parents. The wedding event had it's share of family drama (not within our family but with Hope's mom's family) but we all made it through and still managed to stick together and have a fun time. In fact, I think my brother and I came through it stronger than we have ever been, so makes it even better .

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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day