Saturday, October 24, 2020

Red Rocks of Utah

While COVID has been a devastating pandemic to not only our country but the whole world, but it has also forced us to try new things, do different things and get creative. We still aren't flying anywhere so we have road tripped a few times more (and longer trips) than we ever had before. 
Yellowstone and Jackson (prior post) proved to be a successful first real road trip and then we ventured out again to Moab for a Mon-Fri Fall Break trip.  I love my family so much, all of the time, but these trips away are such a great opportunity for us all to have a break, explore together, see new things and just talk (hiking works wonders with family conversation as we usually don't have cell coverage :-)) 

we had the chance to do a pretty good length hike at Fisher Towers, then spent a day exploring Arches and a day Exploring Canyonlands.  
The scenery was different than anything I had seen before and we stayed in one of the nicer condos that we have seen. 

All in all, another wonderful memory that we may not have had without the challenges of COVID....
silver linings? Look on the bright side! Grateful for what we do have! 

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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day