Thursday, December 10, 2020

Gma and Gbob

While COVID definitely changed the course of all things we would have done with my parents this year (Mexico, camping, holidays) it didn't completely stop us from getting to spend time together. 
We made the best of circumstances and visited in Buena Vista for a few days. We rented a camper in teh same campground as Gma and Gbob and were still able to have outdoor meals together, go golfing, bb gun shooting, play tennis and pickle ball and play in the river. Definitely well worth it and still memories made. Was fun to get to celebrate Brady and Gma's birthdays too! Later in the summer, they met us for a hike at Wildnerness on Wheels (yes, grandmama, it was built to be wheelchair accessible) :-) 
Beautiful fall colors and great time catching up with my parents, followed by a fun lunch at the Shaggy Sheep. I am thankful that we were at least able to do this despite it being different than "normal". 
Family time is the best time!!!!  I hope Brady and Lylah remember these times and realize how lucky they are to have such fun, engaged and active grandparents to create memories with. Watching Brady play tennis with them and lylah play pickleball and golf was surely a highlight!!


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Family Sledding Day

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