Brady and Lylah---
I have been writing these updates a few times throughout COVID so that we can all look back and realize what was different, what we made the best of and what was maybe even "better" than normal times.
This fall was full of fun memories, just adjusted from year's prior.
Usually every Halloween, we host a pretty big Halloween Happy Hour before everyone goes trick or treating. We didn't feel safe doing that this year due to COVID, so instead, we had just two families over and placed candy on blankets in the driveway for the kids coming by. I think it was a success! The kids had a blast trick or treating....Brady collected more candy than ever before with some of this neighborhood friends and Lylah ended the night with a sleepover with Lakeryn and Sage.
As is usually the case, Halloween came and went quickly and before we knew it, it was Thanksgiving. We celebrated with the big meal at our house with the McManns and Barbics....a family friendly game of kickball was followed by lots of great food and family fibbage.
School wrapped up for the calendar year with 100% remote learning. That was hard for the kids as they enjoyed the two days a week they had in person. However, both of them made the honor roll and we couldn't be more proud. We realize how hard it's been to adjust to this type of school but they are both hanging in there and performing well!
We managed to get in some family activities this fall like hiking and long Charlie walks in new places. We even saw a few deer on the snowy hike we did in Ken Caryl. We went to several Broncos games (in the socially distanced suite) and while it was a different experience, we still had a blast and were able to include some family friends for various games (Gutz, Tanya T, Jernigans, etc) . We made it to the Zoo for the first time in years and had a great time. I loved that both kids still enjoyed seeing the animals and ran all over the place with their friends.
We finally had our family photos done (we try to stick with every other year) and that was quite the memory as we were all freezing trying to get them done. But we got some good snaps out of it and were able to check out a new place in Palmer Lake we might not have made it to otherwise. Note to self...don't ever let the photographer be the one to say that we are done with the photos...she missed getting some good ones with me and the kids :-( but still some great family ones that I love!
what else was new this fall? Brady talked of getting a perm but I think he grew out of that phase/idea as it never happened. He tried out and made a basketball team but then the season was postponed. Lylah dove into her dance classes and has become quite the little dancer. She has grown close with a sweet group of girls (Sera, Sophia, Brooke) and made new friends at dance. Lylah is shaving her legs and armpits, experimenting with makeup and straightening her hair. Both kids feet have grown almost overnight and they both are shooting up to be quite tall! We've tried new TV shows, played games and done some cooking and baking. We have argued over screen time, and watched the two of them get closer as brother and sister and then drive each other nuts.
We have stuck together, traveled to new places, laughed, cried and been mad at each other. we have done it all this fall and will continue to ride this COVID wave as a family.....the best possible way!
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