Saturday, March 13, 2021

Winter fun 2021

We continue to make the best of COVID and packed in a few more ski trips this winter....Beaver Creek with just our Fam in January and Crested Butte with the Sutphins and Barbics in Feb. 

We definitely love CB---small mountain with great runs for the family. Fun time hot tubing, out for Mexican food (12 people at one table!), and lots of laughs over game night with the Barbics (Belly Bucking and more!) .  By far the most skiing any of us have jammed in over a couple of days. Jon and Brady were first chair the first day and skied until last chair!! 

The kids have stayed busy with sports and activities....Lylah recorded her dances for her virtual recital (which we get to watch tonight!!)  and Brady joined a basketball team after taking last year off (and is still doing soccer and tennis at the same time). While the season didn't go the way he wanted, he was able to hang with good friends!

 and Jon and I celebrated 15 years of marriage with crab legs and coconut shrimp. I think the kids enjoyed it even more than us. They want us to have anniversaries every month :-) 

Hopefully he and I will get to go away for a quick trip later this year to celebrate even more! 

all in all, it's been a good winter and we feel lucky that we have been able to do all that we have, despite COVID! (and I got my vaccine in Feb!...2nd shot wasn't so much fun but glad to have it done. Hoping the rest of the family can get their ASAP! 

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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day