we got to celebrate little Squeaks this month with her big 12 Bday! Can't believe how fast time is going by or how quickly she is maturing!
She has developed into an amazing dancer, a great little interior decorator (I am envious of her cute room), a smart (Straight A) student, a good baker, a silly goose, a frosting lover, and so much more.
She doesn't like the morning wake ups, but loves her late evening snuggles with Charlie. We've had fun playing Alexa games together before bedtime, watching 5 minute crafts and binge watching Marvel and Justice League movies.
She has a solid group of close girlfriends (Sophia, Sera, Brooke) along with some lifelong neighborhood friends (Gabby, Sage, Lakeryn, Maddie).
She's slightly addicted to her phone (and just got Instagram!) but she enjoys curling up on the couch with a blanket and watching HGTV shows too.
She loves her pasta, enjoys listening to music by herself, is super responsible with school and likes to give her brother a hard time, even though you can tell she loves him very much.
She is my little buddy, even though I annoy her often....I think she still kinda likes me deep down :-)
She is happy to be home chilling but also has a great time when with friends. She enjoys quiet time yet can also light up a room when she talks.
This year's big bday included an Escape Room with friends, pasta from Oreganos, doughnuts, ice cream cake, and an upcoming sleepover with the neighbor girls.
All in all, a special time for the most special daughter!!
I love you Beanie, more than you know!!
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