Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Spring Break Breckenridge style

 I am so late in writing about this trip but that doesn't mean it wasn't memorable or an absolute blast. It just means like is going 100 miles an hour and has been ever since this trip. :-) That's not a bad thing. Life has slowly started to get back to "normal" post Covid and it has been refreshing and nuts all at the same time. But I can't think of a nicer group of people to spend our spring break with than the McMann's and Barbics. We (Dobson's) went up a day early and did some tubing in Copper which was really fun. Lylah and I thought we were going to fly out of the tubing park because we went so high up on the walls. The rest of the trip was full of good food, the largest pizza I have ever seen and tons of laughs along with daily hot tub fun. The family highlight of the trip was Brady skiing his first double black diamond and Lylah was able to meet up with her buddy Sage for a little Breckenridge shopping. Another ski trip in the books and they just keep getting better! 

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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day