Monday, July 4, 2011


Brady is my peanut....always has been since he was born. I call him peanut and I call him Bubba but when I call him Brady, it usually means he is in trouble. :-)
Brady has always had an aversion to anything peanut related. I have offered him peanuts straight from the can and he always has said no. He would rather have nothing than a PB M&M and he absolutely refuses to eat peanut butter and can't even stand the smell.
So when I offered him a nibble of my trail mix bar, loaded with peanuts on Saturday morning at the pool, I was surprised when he said yes. But he said "only a nibble".....thankfully that was it.
Within 60 seconds, he was gasping for breath, choking, coughing and ultimately, throwing up every ounce of liquid in his little belly. And then I knew, without a doubt, my peanut is allergic to peanuts....we'll soon test to see if it's all nuts but for now.....we are nut free!
I already worry, as I often do, that I won't be with him every second of his life to make sure he doesn't mistakenly eat a peanut. What will he do if he doesn't have his Epi pen and eats a Snickers or a Reeses cup? Oh the worrying............
but this we can handle....this is but a minor bump in the road and there's enough nuts out there....who needs peanuts!!!!???

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