Saturday, May 25, 2024

This one required some tissue....

 So of course I am crying as I write this one. You two are my everything. I may not be the perfect mom, but I absolutely love being your mom. No matter what. I cannot describe the pride I have for both of you. You are different from each other in many ways, but still have some similarities and I love both the differences in you and the commonalities. 

This picture is the last day of Brady's Junior year and Lylah's Sophomore year. We now have a Senior and Sophomore in the house. It's cliche, but time does fly and it all happens so much faster as you get older. 

You both had absolutely stellar school years. Brady had his highest GPA ever this most recent semester with multiple AP classes and a heavy load of tennis, swim, social life and work. You balanced a break up with your first girlfriend amidst all else that was going on but I think learned a lot along the way. You have expanded friendships, and continue to learn how to make the right choices for yourself and your future along the way. You are setting yourself up for a very bright future that hopefully is full of love, family, professional happiness and all that you want in life. 

and Lylah....first year of high school is such a huge transition, especially because middle school was so easy for you. You took several honors classes, had a very heavy schedule with Poms and assimilated so quickly into a new school. You have made some new friends, but held onto your dear friends that have been around for years. You learned who are your real friends and continue to learn about making the best choices for you too. You had some first dates and are currently dating Nico....but have learned that no matter what happens with the boys, you are strong and deserve to be treated with respect and kindness and don't have to settle for less. 

The next year ahead will be big for both of you. We will all support Brady through his last year of high school and his college decision making process. I hope Lylah enjoys the moments she does have with her big brother and they can continue to grow closer before he leaves for school. You two will want to have each other's back when you get older and remember that family is #1, always. 

I know I can't hold onto the past....I will always cherish the baby and toddler and grade school and middle school years. But I am excited to see what is next for both of you and am honored to be your mom every step of the way. I love you Bubba and Lylah Bean!!! 


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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day