Sunday, August 23, 2020

And COVID goes on....

It's been over two months since school switched to stay at home, and COVID became present in Colorado.
While the Shelter in Place has been lifted, we are now under Safer at Home guidelines. Still no gatherings over 10 people, social distancing in place, masks in public places. It's a whole new world.
And while this is a new normal, and not much seems normal about it, we are still managing to create some great memories, and find a way to have peace with the situation.
Granted, we may drive each other all a little crazy at times, being around all of the time, I somehow still feel like we have a lot of balance.
The kids have managed to stay in touch with friends...Lylah with her Roblox calls with Stasia and others, facetiming in her new phone, and outdoor time with Maddie, Gabby, Lakeryn and Sage.
And Brady has been shooting tons of hoops with Ethan, riding bikes with Zack and Kate, and keeping up with soccer buddies via social media and driveway get togethers.
School wraps up this week, and my heart is breaking a little bit. I know it will be sad for the kids to remove that a connection they had to the many of the kids they cannot see in person. It also gave them some direction on the weekdays and some piece of academic challenge.
It's the end of Blue Heron Elementary for Lylah and I feel so bad that she didn't get the proper send off with all of her friends and teacher that she loved so much. We have spent so many years at Blue Heron between the two kids and it's so strange to think of them not having a tie there anymore.
but we continue to look for silver linings and find ways to adapt to this world right now. we have been on a couple of great family hikes/walks (Strawberry Lake and Staunton Park), which the kids seemed to really enjoy. we also just bought two kayaks and took them out on the lake for the first time. Everyone really enjoyed it! Brady loved the view from the lake and commented on how he loves this neighborhood. Lylah screamed her head off when she first got in and then ended up loving it.
we have had "driveway drinks" with friends...Wolfingers, Barbics, Jernigans, McGraws, Gerlachs, Gutz, etc and that has been good for all of us.
We celebrated Mother's day (Staunton hike with Barb and Greg) and the kids made me keylime pie and we ordered Yabby Hut...yum!!
The kids continue to play games with Gmama and Gbob via Skype, which has been fun for everyone, lots of laughs and we have continued to make new recipes every single week.
and the diorama started this week.....hours of entertainment for both Brady and Lylah as they started work on their fixer upper cardboard home. Best teamwork and collaboration I have seen with those two in a long time.
I am still able to work from home most of the time which has worked out well. still taking our daily walks with Charlie and getting outside as much as we can.
I am not totally sure what the summer holds, but we are starting to look at some camping type adventures to allow us to explore the state a bit more and maybe even see Grandmama and Gbob.
Lylah went for her 11 year check up, complete with Masks and segregation from other patients but she was so brave and such a trooper for both her vaccines and wart removal. Definitely the most calm and grown up she has ever been for a doc visit. Proud of her!
Brady has been able to return to tennis a few nights a week (masked coach, can't touch the tennis balls, small group classes) but I think that has been really good for him. Now if dance classes can just start back for Lylah....I think she is really missing that!
This has its ups and downs....highs and lows for sure. Patience can wear thin, boredom can set in and tension can build but I think our little family has weathered this really well so far....stronger, closer, maybe even healthier than before. A moment in time that somehow and in some ways, I think we will miss when it passes (not the tragic nature of COVID, but the pause in time that this allowed for me and my family.
and just like that, in four days, I will have an 8th grader and a 6th grader...…..

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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day