Saturday, July 18, 2020

Pop Up Glamping, watercraft and murderous mooses

I have written quite a bit about COVID and its impact but one of the positives is that it has "forced" us to do things that we might not normally do.
We kicked off this summer with a pop up camper trip to the border of Colorado and Utah. It was quite the adventure. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable I was sleeping in the camper and how much I enjoyed the scenery, remoteness and time in front of the campfire. We went with another family, which helped to make it even more comfortable and we even brought our new kayaks along (an by product of COVID~). We ate yummy food, kayaked at a pretty lake and slept with the zip up windows open. We saw double rainbows, shooting stars and snakes. Not bad for first family camping trip.
*sidenote: this was my interpretation but poor Jon was stuck with the heavy lifting of the camper, the burden of taking it up and down and the broken parts which ended up costing us much more than the rental itself. EEk! But the memories were still amazing!

and then I brought the kids to Breckenridge for a night over Father's Day weekend. Jon had a "hall pass" to go hiking and we wanted a change of scenery, so we went up to the mountains and played in the pool, had a yummy pizza dinner out in town, and did two super fun hikes. *Lily Pad Lake was a hit with the kids and the hike under Snowflake was really pretty and we even got to see Moose Poop (Lylah screamed for a good five minutes that she was afraid we would run into a murderous moose!HAHA)

Our most recent trip was to Buena Vista, where we rented a trailer (bigger than the pop up) and were able to visit with Grandmama and Grandbob from a distance. we played pickleball and tennis, went for a short hike, ate yummy dinners that Grandmama fixed for us and shot the bb gun. It was another great way to experience time away from the house, and see my parents, while being in the outdoors and surrounded by beautiful mountains.

We are definitely making the best of the Covid time this summer. While we may not be able to do the same trips that we originally planned, we have been able to have some wonderful family trips and unique experiences, that I wouldn't trade!

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Family Sledding Day

Family Sledding Day